Dear Project Management Community,
Welcome to the July issue of Argano PMO Insights. I am so pleased to continue to share what is trending in the Project Management Community. In this month’s newsletter, we will talk about the value of a Project Plan.
Some of you may remember the days of planning your road trip on MapQuest. You would log in, enter your details, and print the road map. This was your guide to reach your final destination. If it became lost, you were forced to rely on the kindness of strangers to point the way. The success of the trip, though planned, was open to a lot of obstacles that could change the course. Fast forward to today, and we can set our GPS to hands-free mode and get instructions read out to us. This allows us a much more reliable prediction of the outcome of our trip.
As a trusted member of the team, the Project Manager is responsible for creating a plan for the project. This is critical in the project because it outlines goals, standards, tools, and techniques that will be used to guide and manage the project. The project plan is our GPS that leads to project success.
A good project plan includes more than just a schedule with tasks and dates. The project manager needs to explore all the Knowledge Areas that are impacted by a project and create a plan that will navigate the team to a happy client.