How Different Are QC and Verify Scope Processes?

How Different Are QC and Verify Scope Processes?

Often, PMP aspirants get confused between quality control and verify scope processes. Many professionals assume that both processes are the same. However, they have different objectives and are carried out with different goals in mind. Questions related to the differences are often asked in project management interviews and exams. If you are looking forward to understanding the differences, this article is for you. In this article at PM Study Circle, Fahad Usmani explains the differences between the two processes and reinforces the concepts with examples.

Understanding the Terminologies

Quality Control

The quality control process takes place internally to ensure that deliverables meet the set standards. Accordingly, corrective measures will be taken to achieve the defined requirements. One of the significant benefits of quality control includes validating deliverables, meeting client’s expectations, analyzing product quality, and recommending actions to eliminate risks associated with quality.

Verify Scope

This is the process of reinforcing the acceptance of finished project deliverables. The verify scope process aims to ensure that your client officially approves the product. The increased objectivity and likelihood of the final product’s success are the key benefits of this process.

For instance, when you are producing a weekly product performance report, you check data and figures to ensure accuracy. This is quality control. When you provide a performance report to your client and relevant stakeholders for approval, you conduct a verify scope process. The verify scope is an ‘external’ check that results in ‘accepted deliverables.’

What are the Key Differences?

  • The quality control process is categorized under the project quality management area, whereas verify scope process belongs to the project scope management group.
  • Control quality is focused on deliverable accuracy, whereas verify scope is centered around accepting deliverables.
  • Both processes are conducted as a part of the monitor and control process group. However, the verify scope process can be performed at the end of each project phase to verify the deliverables.
  • Both quality control and verify scope processes can result in change requests.

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