Project Managers, Do You Know These PM Principles?

Project Managers, Do You Know These PM Principles?

PM principles are essential guidelines for project managers in modern-day team management. These tenets enable you to provide the necessary direction that your team needs from you for day-to-day operations. These principles are not the objectives but rules that you should follow to reach the goals. In this article at Girl’s Guide to Project Management, Elizabeth Harrin shares the PM principles that project managers must follow.

Twelve PM Principles


The top priority among the PM principles is to be a good human being. Your behavior reflects in the team environment. Reduce the toxicity by treating your teammates the way you want them to treat you—with respect.


Unless your team works as a unit, you cannot get any task done on time. There are many collaboration tools available in the market which you can leverage to get the best out of the team.

Stakeholder Engagement

From your team to clients, all are stakeholders per the PM principles. You must consider their viewpoints and treat them with the expected maturity and understanding to make them feel involved.


Clients want to derive value from the projects, and they trust you to deliver the same. The value of every project is different, so your actions and parameters of evaluating its worth must be different as well.

The Bigger Picture

One of the PM principles is to learn about the bigger picture before it even comes into play. Systems thinking and design thinking are processes that enable people to achieve that vision.


Your job is not limited to seeing if the tasks were done on time. As a project manager, you must tap into the client mindset and ask the team to discover the hidden expectations.


PM principles are not written in stone, so you can make adjustments per the situation you confront. You should select the project management approaches that suit your project task requirements.


PM principles are there to help your team produce quality deliverables. Provide constructive feedback and guidance so that the team can achieve success within the deadline and budget.


Projects are never simple since they come with inherent risks. How would you handle those complications? Decide whether to meet problems headlong or defer until the right time?

Risk Management

Managing risks is tough. One of the PM principles is to have mitigation and response plans ready before the risks start erupting in an ongoing project life cycle.

Flexibility and Perseverance

You must be flexible enough to incorporate sudden client requirements. Additionally, be ready to support the team during trying situations. Create a culture that can help both the personal and professional lives of your team.

Change Management

Project managers are also the change managers. You must continuously upgrade your skills and the team's skills to accept new opportunities. One of the key PM principles is to stay updated on emerging technologies and opportunities.

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